
This document lists all notable public changes to the functionality of Airsequel.

2024-01-03 - v0.7.1

  • GraphQL
    • Add in and nin filters
    • Return NULL entries for neq filter
    • Floats don’t change precision during retrieval from database anymore
  • Fields in SQL query result are sorted as requested
  • Upgrade to OpenAI’s GTP 3.5 Turbo for faster and better suggestions
  • More data included in function invocations endpoint
  • Numerous bug fixes and UI improvements

2023-12-19 - v0.7.0

  • Add support for cloud functions Untitled
    • GUI for creating, editing, testing, and deleting functions
    • Support for TypeScript (Deno 1.39)
    • Support for Python 3.10 (checked by Ruff)
    • Check out the documentation for more information
  • SQLite
    • Add support for generated columns 2023-12-22t2119_generated_column.png
    • Add support for math functions
    • Add support for GLOB and DROP INDEX
    • Add search field to "Docs" tab 2023-12-28t1010_sql_docs_search.png
    • Use the same SQLite binary for the GraphQL API and SQL workbench (eliminates any differences in behavior)
  • GraphQL
    • Add support for upsert mutations
    • Add support for multi-column ordering
    • Improve loading speed of GraphiQL playground
  • Admin JSON API Documentation at Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 10.13.51.png
  • Add an affiliate page at
  • Add a password reset page at
  • Add a "Vacuum Database" button to database settings
  • Show database environment and visibility in team databases overview
  • Numerous bug fixes and styling improvements

2023-10-02 - v0.6.1

  • Various UI bug fixes
  • Option to reassign a database to another team 2023-10-02t155235_reassign_db.png
  • Make default AI prompt for descriptions editable 2023-10-02t160421_description_prompt.png

2023-09-06 - v0.6

  • Full fledged user and team management
    • Teams own databases
      • Databases are either private or public (unlisted)
    • Existing public databases can be assigned to teams
    • Check out the documentation for more details
  • New paid Pro plan with less restrictions than the free plan. Check out the detailed feature comparison at
  • API access tokens for fine grained control on how a database can be accessed via its API
  • GraphQL
    • Add support for comparison operators like and ilike
    • Support filters over several columns in mutations and queries
    • Support limit and offset arguments to only show a subset of the result rows
    • Support order_by argument in queries
    • Results are no longer reversed
  • Database Creation
    • "Open Demo Database" opens a fully editable copy of our demo database
    • Add button to create databases from an AI prompt
    • Display a progress bar when uploading databases
  • Database Overview
    • Dedicated read-only endpoint to duplicate databases at /readonly/<readonly-id>/duplicate
    • Add a description field for databases and tables
      • Add input fields to let AI write descriptions
    • Show user version and schema version of SQLite database
  • Spreadsheet View
    • Align numeric column content right
    • Destructive buttons require a long click for activation
    • Display a progress bar when uploading files
    • Shift-Click to select ranges of rows
  • SQL Workbench
    • Selector for different text wrapping style in result table
    • Display runtime stats in ms for execution times < 10 sec
  • Add a blog at
  • Add support chat to every page (powered by Crisp)
  • Add page to request an Enterprise trial instance at
  • Lots of bug fixes and minor improvements

2023-04-01 - v0.5.1.0

  • Enable AI powered SQL query generation for Free edition

2023-03-31 - v0.5

  • Spreadsheet UI
    • Add more column data types:
      • File
      • Date
      • URL
      • Color
      • Phone
      • Email
      • Time
      • Duration, Duration ISO
      • JSON, Array, Object
      • Code
      • Location, Alpha 2, Alpha 3 2023-03-28t154614_landing_page copy.png
    • Support re-ordering columns and tables
    • Support inserting new columns in specific locations
    • Export tables as CSV or JSON via column drop-down menu 2023-02-22t144200_table_menu.png
    • Add "Clear Cells" option for columns
    • Support creating UNIQUE columns
    • Make markdown style links clickable in views
    • Highlight selected rows
  • SQL Workbench
    • AI powered SQL query generation (via OpenAI) 2023-02-13t150830_ai_prompt.png
    • Tabs for working on several SQL queries simultaneously
    • Support editing views
    • Upgrade SQLite from 3.38.5 to 3.41.0. Notable new features are the support for RIGHT and FULL OUTER JOIN and the addition of the built-in unhex() function. Check out the SQLite release history for a list of all changes.
    • Enforce SQLite’s foreign key constraints by default
  • Additional settings
    • Show separate tabs for "Tables" and "Views"
    • Button to regenerate read-only ID
    • “Template” database environment (can be cloned via its readonly URL)
  • Overview page
    • Show database name in header
    • Show database size in a human readable way
    • Show last modified timestamp
  • GraphQL API
    • Support requesting changed data with returning keyword
    • Add support for more comparison operators (neq, gt, gte, lt, lte)
  • rowid is used for stable links to rows
  • rowid can be omitted when creating a new row and will be set automatically
  • Upgrade to GraphiQL 2.2 and speed up initial load
  • Use Write-Ahead Log for all databases

2022-12-16 - v0.4.0.1

  • Handle columns with double quotes in their name correctly
  • Show number of filled cells in delete column dialog
  • Show correct version number via status API endpoint
  • Show spinner while SQL query is executing

2022-12-12 - v0.4

  • Edit database schema via UI
    • Button on landing page to create new database from scratch
    • Support adding, renaming and deleting tables Screen Shot 2022-12-12 at 16.15.50Z.png
    • Support adding, renaming, and deleting columns
    • Support renaming a database
  • Allow SQL write queries in Free edition
  • Add dashboards with 3 chart types
    • Bar charts
    • Line charts
    • Single value Screen Shot 2022-12-11 at 22.37.13Z.png
  • Improve spreadsheet UI
    • Add new column type “single-select” Screen Shot 2022-12-12 at 16.28.18Z.png
    • Collapsible columns for better overview in big tables Screen Shot 2022-12-12 at 16.30.37Z.png
    • Automatically picks unused rowid name (one of rowid, _rowid_, or oid)
  • Improve SQL editor
    • Add button to create a view from executed query
    • Show documentation for SQLite functions
    • Replace tab character in SQL query editor with 2 spaces
    • Allow more functions and prevent executing unavailable functions
  • Encode column names with Double-X-Encoding to allow any Unicode string as name. combined.jpg Check out our announcement blog post for the Double-X-Encoding for more information.
  • New and overhauled documentation page at
  • New database settings page
    • Add environment setting and show badge next to Airsequel logo with current environment Screen Shot 2022-12-12 at 17.12.00Z.png
    • Add button to regenerate the database ID
  • Extend example database with views and dashboards
  • Confirmation dialog for all destructive actions
  • Better error handling and error popups
  • Wrap table column tabs
  • More details on pricing page

2022-10-13 - v0.3.1

  • Add titles to buttons in focus view toolbar
  • Treat unknown data types per default as text
  • Add trial information to pricing page

2022-10-12 - v0.3

  • Add tab to execute SQL queries (read-only in Free edition) Screen Shot 2022-10-12 at 18.33.31.png
  • Add dedicated GraphiQL (v2) tab for exploring the GraphQL API
  • Numerous improvements for spreadsheet GUI
    • Add support for Booleans Screen Shot 2022-10-12 at 18.25.54.png
    • Increase / decrease numbers with arrow up / down
    • Load only active table
    • New icons
    • Make views read-only
    • Toolbar for focus view (previous, next, delete, export as JSON, send via email)
    • Better handling of edits, errors, and edge cases
  • Display available columns of tables/views on database overview page
  • Improvements for GraphQL API
    • Extend equality filter to work on all data types
    • Add missing introspections results
    • Support column names with spaces
  • Fix import of small CSV files
  • Add a screenshot to landing page and improve slogan
  • Upgrade SQLite to 3.38.5


  • Fast deployment of Airsequel Enterprise demo instances via (Contact us if you’re interested!)


  • Tutorial on how to write a simple Todo app with Lowdefy at ‣


  • Allow special characters in import file name
  • Fix GUI issues in Firefox

2022-07-28 - v0.2 (Public Beta)

  • New landing page with additional information
  • Add spreadsheet GUI to edit data in tables
    • Focus view to edit one row at a time
    • Multiline text cells
    • Export cell content as a file
    • Set cells to NULL or empty string
    • Add new rows and delete existing rows
  • Support upload of CSV files
  • Enterprise edition with more features (compare the different editions at
  • Make GraphQL API fully compliant with official spec
    • Return number of affected rows after any mutation
  • Build an Elm SPA frontend for better responsiveness
  • Add action buttons to overview page (Download / Duplicate / Replace / Delete database)
  • Validate uploaded SQLite databases
  • Limit upload file size of free version to 5 MB
  • Set up an uptime status page
  • Extend documentation and move it to Notion
  • Add pricing page
  • Add endpoint “api/status” for monitoring
  • Show hosting location of database on overview page

2022-02-27 - v0.1 (Private Beta)

  • Automatically create a simple GraphQL API for uploaded databases
    • Including a read-only endpoint for each database
  • Support for GraphQL introspection
  • Simple overview page for each hosted database
    • Support for downloading the database
    • Playground page to try out GraphQL queries
  • Store an additional metadata database for each user database
  • Example database with all characters from “Avatar: The Last Airbender”
  • Minimal documentation
    • How to use GraphQL API
    • How to write a simple todo app with Elm
  • Set up several social media accounts