Apps Powered By Airsequel

🎓 Official Examples

Collection of simple example apps to get you started with app development for Airsequel.

🎼 Airsequel Sheet Music

Simple sheet music management app built with Elm Land.

🔁 RepeatGPT

RepeatGPT lets you schedule recurring ChatGPT executions and sends you the result via email.

✅ TaskLite Webapp

TaskLite is a powerful CLI first task manager built with Haskell and SQLite. The TaskLite Webapp makes it possible to manage the tasks via the web if the SQLite database is uploaded to Airsequel.

⏱ Task Tracker

Simple time tracker that enables fast and frictionless tracking, by letting users enter data with few clicks right when they change tasks.

📖 Blog

Simple blogging platform with CMS powered by Airsequel.
  • Repository: soon to be released

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